How to Use Facebook Carousel Ads to Increase ROI

- by Alyson Shane

Have you ever used a Facebook Carousel Ad?

Carousel Ads have been around since 2014, but many businesses still avoid using them because they're not sure how to use them effectively.

In this article, we'll discuss what a Carousel Ad is, why they work, and how to create your own Facebook Carousel Ads that increase your return on investment (ROI).

What's a Facebook Carousel Ad?

Carousel Ads let you showcase 2-10 images or videos within one ad, which allows you to tell a story and connect with your audience in a more meaningful way.

Carousel Ads are incredibly effective, earning an average of 30-50% lower cost per conversion, 20-30% lower cost-per-click, and much higher engagement rates than the average single-image ad.

The best part? Carousel Ads don't cost extra. So start experimenting!

Why should you use Facebook Carousel Ads?

This ad format is great for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Telling your business' story.
  • Highlighting multiple products or services.
  • Sharing more information about a specific topic.
  • Promoting events.
  • Explaining benefits or processes.

Facebook Carousel Best Practices

Stuck on how to tell a compelling story in your carousel cards? Use these tips as inspiration:

Focus on the creative

The image or video you use for your carousel will determine how effective it is, so choose images or video that have a similar look and feel to each other.

Creative that doesn't match, or doesn't tell a story, feels especially disjointed in the Carousel Ad format, so spend time developing swipe-worthy creative assets.

Use every part of the ad

Don't neglect elements like your headline, description, and call-to-action.

Make sure your ad copy matches your business' tone, and A/B test different elements so see which combination yields the best results.

Tell a story in your carousel

Carousels are great because they can tell a story.

You can choose to reveal parts of your story as the user swipes through each individual image, reveal something in the second image that was hidden in the first one, create panoramic images that span 4 - 5 images... the options are really limitless!

Creating "stories" is useful to keep users engaged and swiping, and can be a great way to reveal new products, ideas, or services.

The key here is creativity - experiment and don't be afraid to try new things.

Optimize the order of your carousel cards

Facebook offers the option to replace the first image that shows in your carousel with a higher-performing image, which can be a great way to improve your campaign performance.

Important: only try this if you aren't doing a story-style carousel. Otherwise it may mess up the order of your images.

Facebook Carousel Ad Specs

You can create Carousel Ads in two places:

  • On your page. If you only have one URL you'd like to use.
  • In Ads Manager. If you want each carousel card to link to a different URL.

Before you set up your ad, make sure you have the following assets in place to set up your campaign:

Design requirements:

  • Minimum # cards: 2
  • Max # of cards: 10
  • Image file type: jpg or png
  • Max video file size: 4GB
  • Max video length: 240 minutes
  • Video file type: MP4 or MOV are best
  • Recommended resolution: 1080 x 1080px at least
  • Recommended ratio: 1:1Text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • Link description: 20 characters

Important: images with more than 20% text may experience reduced delivery, so keep your images as text-free as you can.

Get started with Carousel Ads

Experimenting with this fun and versatile ad option is a great way to stretch your ad dollars and experiment with different, more engaging forms of brand storytelling in your ads.

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